Saturday, November 14, 2015

Night Owl No More

I am a night owl and now, I am bothered by the fact that I can no longer sleep my way through the day. This Sunday I woke up at 6:30 am. It has been happening for quite a while now, me waking up past 6 am on a weekend, looking at the clock, realizing the time, going back to sleep again and finally getting up at 9:00 am. How very #firstworldproblem, I know.

So like every social media savvy of our generation, I took this dilemma Twitter only to find out that a few my friends are also already getting a head start on their day. Is this a sign that we're finally maturing? Is maturity measured in time - when you start waking up like a normal adult? Or is it measured in preference - when you prefer to wear to loose, white polos over tight fitting bandage skirts that your closet is full of? It might be measured in concern - when you trade your favorite blogs for because you crave for knowledge on what has been happening to the world lately. Maybe it's also measured in decision, like when you decide to finally accept the fact that sometimes you won't get what you want and you've got to be okay with that. 

Cryptic thoughts. Something I've gotten out of waking up early. 

Love, Paola xx

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